Kimberly Meredith is a contemporary celebrity medical intuitive medium, healer, global speaker, influencer and bestselling author. Her new book, Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, is published by St. Martin’s Press – Macmillan and Hay House, accompanied by the personally-narrated audiobook, published by Penguin Random House.
Harper’s Bazaar (HBZ): Can you tell us about your family, hometown, childhood, education? How has this background shaped you as an adult?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: I grew up in Lynwood, California. I came from a diverse spiritual background. I was a firm believer in God from a young age, and I had many paranormal experiences. My maternal great-grandmother, Josephina, was a shamanic healer in Italy. My paternal German grandmother Bernice Donna Mary and I were very close. She gave me the nickname “Chon” when I was very young, and it stayed with me through my entire life.
HBZ: Can you explain what Scalar energy is and how it works?
Kimberly Meredith: Scalar energy was first theorized by the genius scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. It is a non-linear, longitudinal energy which is proposed to have healing effects on the body. I’m eager to teach everyone how to harness and transmit this energy so that they can heal themselves and heal others as well. I deeply want to show the world that we can all heal and be healed.
HBZ: Your book, Awakening to The Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing, has gained popularity. What can readers find in the book?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: I published Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing in order to help everyone to heal and awaken their abilities. There’s tremendous suffering and illness in the world, but there is so much we can do to heal ourselves, and to heal the planet.
My book contains a great deal of information for holistic health and healing, including healing prayers, meditations, affirmations, healthy recipes, and exercises to awaken readers’ healing abilities and raise their consciousness so that they can find true, lasting healing. I also personally narrated an audiobook version so that listeners can hear my voice, which makes the experience intimate and even more powerful.

HBZ: How do your abilities as a celebrity medical intuitive allow you to detect medical conditions?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: My blinking eyes and hand movements allow me to sense a person’s entire body and reveal their medical, emotional and physical conditions, as well as root causes, such as environmental and emotional traumas from the past. I achieve this through my gifts of clairaudience (healing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (knowing).
HBZ: Can you share a powerful healing story from your work where you witnessed a remarkable transformation in someone’s medical or emotional condition?
Kimberly Meredith: One of my most endearing healings was when a child named Marisa came to see me. She was only four years old and had been suffering from gastrointestinal issues since birth, including severe pain and vomiting.
When Marisa came into my office, she jumped on my lap. I started to do a reading on her body without knowing her medical history, and I immediately sensed pain in her lower intestinal tract. I also felt a lot of emotion in her. She was sad because she couldn’t do what her classmates at nursery school were doing.
As I worked on her, she grabbed the two white crystals that I use for healing and asked me to put holy water on her and to heal her. She was praying, and because she is from a Catholic family, she knew the Hail Mary prayer. She was so incredibly relaxed, in the Fifth Dimensional frequency, and she kept chanting and praying and wanting to be healed.
She immediately felt better and was able to eat and drink normally the next day. Her mother reported that her whole intestinal tract was completely healed and she hasn’t had any problems since. I saw her again six months later and she was back at school and healthy, taking my protocol diet. This was one of my most gratifying and miraculous healings.
HBZ: You are a guest on various radio and television shows and have reached a wide audience. Can you please give us some of your most favorite shows?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: I love sharing my messages of healing with audiences from around the world. I’ve been on ABC television, CBS television, and countless podcasts and radio shows, including five popular appearances on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, which is probably the biggest overnight radio show in the world. I’ve loved experiencing time with George Noory at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. My favorite appearance on Coast to Coast was with the famous singer Smokey Robinson.
I also host my own number-one rated radio program, The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show, which you can hear on blogtalkradio.com and iheartradio.com and previously on KCAA.
HBZ: What is your fashion lifestyle and how do you use fashion to make an impact on your Audience?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: I love to dress as organic as possible, and I love to raise awareness for clothes made of organic materials without pesticide or genetic modification. I also love designer clothing such as Chanel, Christian Dior, Michael Kors, Gucci, Versace, and Prada. I know intuitively that high fashion is rapidly going to move into more of an organic, fluid lifestyle. I like clothing that feels multidimensional, where people feel free to be who they are and wear what they want to wear at any time.
HBZ: Who is your idol? Why?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: I adore Audrey Hepburn because she was an environmentalist. I greatly respect and admire all the charity work she did around the world, including being a Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF. I hope to be as influential as her someday.
As an environmental activist and influencer, I am a big fan of Re:wild, and I support all organizations that advocate for a clean and healthy environment, both on land and in the ocean. I stand for a world free of global warming, free of habitat destruction, free of species extinction, free of plastic pollution, free of water pollution, free of soil pollution, and free of air pollution. I write about global warming in my book in a chapter titled “Water Can Change Your Life.” I believe we must stop burning fossil fuels because we are destroying the environment and making our only home unlivable. Humans have done so much tragic damage to the Earth and all living creatures, including ourselves. This is reflected in our poor health – physical, emotional and spiritual – and the poor health of the planet. If we join together and demand change, we can return this world to the Earthly paradise it once was.

HBZ: What are your hobbies besides work?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: There are many activities I enjoy when I’m not working. I love going on nature walks and hiking in the beautiful hills here in Los Angeles. I love to take sound baths. I love listening to 432 Hz music every night before going to sleep. Of course I also love to spend time with my family and friends. It’s also important to me to help and serve people through charity work, which is very uplifting and good for the soul. Visiting the ocean fills me with tranquility and brings me peace. I love to cook organic food which nourishes my body and gives me an opportunity to practice and improve my skills in the kitchen! When I travel, I love to go to transformational spiritual healing retreats that awaken my soul.
HBZ: How do you balance work and personal life?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: Balancing work and personal life is important for living a healthy and well-rounded life! It’s important for me to keep a daily list of things I’m grateful for. I believe everybody needs to be appreciated – both yourself and others. It’s so important to make time for your friends, family and community. I take time every day to pray and to meditate. Having a mindful practice is important to achieving a healthy work-life balance.
HBZ: What are your goals and aspirations as a celebrity medical intuitive medium healer and influencer?
KIMBERLY MEREDITH: My mission is to continue to spread my uplifting messages throughout the world, and to bring hope and healing to all who suffer and all who are searching to awaken their gifts and abilities. I’m developing a highly conscious television show to awaken people’s abilities and heal humanity. I’m also developing a course to teach laying on hands and medical intuitive mediumship and healing abilities.
I’m very excited to announce I’ve been invited to the world-famous Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, New York, where I’ll be leading a five day retreat on September 10 – 15, 2023. My program will help you to open the door to an entirely new way of life in the 5th Dimension. You’ll learn to raise your consciousness, connect to your own intuitive and healing abilities.

I’m also excited to announce that I’m working on my new book about soul frequencies as a follow-up to my bestselling book, Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Souls Path to Healing.
You may purchase the book on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250780225/. For private reading inquiry, media press inquiry, appearances and events, visit my website www.TheHealingTrilogy.com.
Kimberly Meredith Lamont @meredith.kimberly.
Stylist: Sky JT Naval.
Make up: Ruth Medrano.
Photography: Arezoo Jalali @arezoojalali_photography.
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