Harmonies of Devotion: Exploring Amber Liu’s life’s symphony through music

The harmonies of the soul play an eternal dance with the devotion for music.

Amber Liu poses for a digital cover of Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam May 2024 before paying a visit to her fans in the country.

Amber Liu epitomizes the fusion of music and self-expression, where the two intertwine seamlessly to create a singular entity of artistic brilliance. Amber embodies a cultural mosaic that is reflected in her music; her artistry becomes a conduit for personal narrative and collective experience. In her melodies and lyrics, Amber weaves tales of identity, resilience, and belonging, thus resonating with audiences worldwide. Her music transcends mere entertainment, becoming a vessel for introspection, empowerment, and connection. Liu stands as a testament to the transformative power of music, where the artist and the art become inseparable—a singular embodiment of creativity and expression.

Liu and her multifaceted talent have made an indelible mark on the global music scene. Liu’s journey in the music industry is as diverse as her cultural background. Starting as a member of the renowned K-pop girl group f(x), she made her mark as a versatile talent, showcasing her skills as a singer, rapper, and songwriter. Debuting in September 2009, f(x) quickly gained popularity both domestically and internationally, with Liu’s unique style and charisma contributing to the group’s success. However, her artistic evolution didn’t stop there. Venturing out on her own, she embarked on a solo career, carving her own path in the industry. Today, Liu dances alone, embracing her individuality and singing in her own language, she continues to captivate audiences worldwide, proving that music knows no boundaries.

Born in the vibrant city of Los Angeles to Chinese parents, Amber Liu was immediately immersed in the dynamic blend of Western and Eastern influences. Growing up between these two worlds, Liu navigated the complexities of dual heritage, finding beauty and resonance in the diversity of her upbringing. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she moved to Korea during her teenage years. This transition marked a new chapter in her life, introducing her to yet another layer of cultural richness and diversity. In the bustling streets of Korea, Amber found herself immersed in the sights, sounds, and traditions of Korean culture, further enriching her perspective and shaping her identity in profound ways.

Jacket, Valentino. Earrings, Vhernier. Pants, Ferragamo. Shoes, Burberry. Necklace, Amina Johan.

HBZVN. Dear Amber Liu, born in Los Angeles with Chinese roots, you grew up between two different cultures, but you also grew up in Korea in your teenage years. How has living between these three great nations influenced you as a person and as an artist?

AMBER LIU: Looking back on everything, I am really thankful for just the experiences that I’ve had. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about different cultures and different mindsets. From my teenage years to my late twenties in Korea, there were plenty of times when it was tough because I couldn’t even communicate basic things since I was learning a new language and just working every day. However, I’m so thankful to the people I’ve met along the way and the community that we’ve built. Many of those people I call family today. In the past couple of years, living and working in China, I’ve grown a stronger bond with my mom. I didn’t speak Mandarin growing up. Now, my mom and I can talk for hours and I feel like I finally know who she is. The world is really a big place and I can’t wait to keep exploring it.

Pants and shirt, Ferragamo. Shoes, Celine. Jewelry, Vhernier.

HBZVN: Everything starts with passion and the internal magma that moves inside to come out. You and music are one, how did your love for the music begin? What are the origins of this passion?

AMBER LIU: I grew up feeling like the weird kid. I always felt like I never fit in and was also bullied in school. When I listened to music I felt the anxieties just disappear. “Somewhere I Belong” by Linkin Park was a song that really helped me through a lot of my confusion and loneliness growing up. Even though the people around me didn’t understand me, I didn’t feel alone when I had music.

Indeed, passion is the internal fire that ignites creativity and drives expression. It simmers within, fueling the creative process until it erupts into the world as art, music, or any form of expression. It’s the relentless force that propels artists like Amber Liu to channel their emotions, experiences, and beliefs into their work, infusing it with depth and authenticity. This internal combustion of passion fuels the journey of self-discovery, pushing boundaries, and breaking through barriers to share one’s truth with the world. In essence, everything does start with passion, that fiery core within, urging us to unleash our innermost selves and create something beautiful and meaningful.

Pants and shirt, Ferragamo. Shoes, Celine. Jewelry, Vhernier.

HBZVN: What was the moment that sparked the spark in you to make you understand that music would become an integral part of your life and your work?

AMBER LIU: I didn’t think doing music as a job was a choice I had but when I had gotten scouted to go to Korea, I knew I had to try. I felt if music could give me this much strength and I had the opportunity to give somebody that strength as well, I’d do it. I think as the years have gone by doing this, I always remind myself to sing to my younger self.

Pants and shirt, Ferragamo. Shoes, Celine. Jewelry, Vhernier.

HBZVN: You are also a talented songwriter, is writing for you a bit like healing therapy, a cure? Does putting feelings or events into words help you process them better, feel them fully, or let them go?

AMBER LIU: I’ve always been non-stop when it came to work so a lot of the time, I can’t process things that happened to me. Songwriting is a form of therapy for me because, for the first time, I’m trying to put words to how I felt. And I usually don’t “get it” until many drafts later. From time to time I even listen to old versions of demos or even songs I never released to look back on those times and dig deeper within myself.

Writing allows you to externalize thoughts and emotions, making them tangible and giving a clearer perspective on them. By articulating experiences, can delve deeper into emotions, gaining insight into their origins and effects. This process can be cathartic, providing a sense of release and relief as you acknowledge and confront your feelings. By framing your experiences in your own words, you gain agency over them.

Shirt, Burrbery. Pants, Valentino. Shoes, Celine. Jacket, Loewe. Ear cuff, UBS Gold. Necklaces, Kyle Chan Design & UBS Gold.

HBZVN: Do you have a special memory related to the creation of a song that you would like to share? And in general when you create a new song, from what do you take inspiration?

AMBER LIU: When I wrote “hatemyself” I was on tour in the back of a tour bus, and I just constantly repeatedly typed in my phone, “I hate this. I hate me. I hate everything,” I felt like I was sinking and at some point, I just didn’t even want to come out of it. I had sent a random melody to those words to my producer, Big Banana, and within a couple of days, he had sent me this beautiful piano arrangement. After a couple of months, I remember going on a solo hike into the mountains and while looking over the mountains I sing what is now the chorus of the song. “But I’ll hold on to every piece of me”. I felt my brain click. I immediately went to the studio to write this song out. There was this rush of energy and liveliness that I hadn’t felt in a really long time. It was another time that I had felt so low but music just made everything better. I remember telling my producer “robot ballad, robot ballad, robot ballad.” I really enjoyed writing that song even though it came from such a dark feeling. I want to say that 90% of my songs start from just me repeating words to myself and piecing them together.

Shirt, Burrbery. Pants, Valentino. Shoes, Celine. Jacket, Loewe. Ear cuff, UBS Gold. Necklaces, Kyle Chan Design & UBS Gold.

HBZVN: Musical contaminations are elements of aggregation, and they almost transcend times and places. Is there any musical genre that you would like to explore and experience a “contamination” with?

AMBER LIU: I feel like over the past 15 years I’ve done so many different types of genres, but I would really like to return to my roots and how much I love rock to see what I come up with. I started my songwriting in pop music, so we’ll see where this goes haha.

HBZVN: Do you feel music is like a free space to express your emotions and creativity without boundaries?

AMBER LIU: Of course, I feel art is there for us to enjoy and question. I love discussing with my friends about shows and movies, dissecting lyrics, and coming up with mashups of two things that we’ve heard and seen.

Music provides a boundless canvas for expressing emotions and creativity. It transcends language barriers and societal norms, allowing individuals to communicate and connect on a deeply emotional level. Whether through lyrics, melodies, or rhythms, music provides a means for artists to channel their innermost feelings and experiences into something tangible and relatable.

Unlike other forms of expression, music offers a unique freedom that knows no boundaries. Amber Liu explores a vast array of emotions, from joy and love to sadness and despair, without fear of judgment or limitation. Moreover, the creative possibilities within music are endless, enabling her to experiment with different genres, styles, and techniques to convey their message.

In this way, music serves as a sanctuary for both Liu and listeners alike, offering a space where they can fully immerse themselves in the depths of human emotion and imagination. Whether it’s through the intimacy of a heartfelt ballad or the exhilaration of an upbeat anthem, music provides a universal language through which we can all connect, express ourselves, and find solace in the beauty of shared experience.

Shirt, Burrbery. Pants, Valentino. Shoes, Celine. Jacket, Loewe. Ear cuff, UBS Gold. Necklaces, Kyle Chan Design & UBS Gold.

HBZVN: Success is not something that comes overnight. There is a lot of dedication, lack of free time to be spent with loved ones or simply chill, hard work, and physical and mental stress. What helps Amber Liu stay focused and balanced in the pursuit of your career?

AMBER LIU: I feel like I’ve developed a talent for being able to fall asleep anywhere at any time. Naps have really saved me when the scheduling is tight and overwhelming. Simple things like calming my breathing and enjoying moments of silence help me stay focused.

HBZVN: Do you have any anxiety before going on stage? Or do you feel any “pressure or sense of responsibility” to be felt as an IDOL from your fans? I know that living under the lens can be a little hard and the only way possible to live “under the eye of a thousand people” is simply to go with the flow, trust the moment, and appreciate the process in its ups and downs ( which are valuable to know better yourselves ). Even though it is almost impossible to be positive 100% of the time, is there anything that helps you to overcome an eventual anxiety/pressure?

AMBER LIU: Now, I feel the pressure that I feel is not because of what people expect out of me but what I expect out of myself. I think I’ve seen so many performances and have done performances where things have gone wrong. I do sometimes psych myself out, but I’ve also tried to keep a discipline about reminding myself why I love music and why I chose to pursue it. It always comes back to me singing to my younger self.

Earrings, Vhernier. Shirt, Loewe. Pants, Ferragamo. Shoes, Burberry.

HBZVN: You are currently on your world tour NO MORE SAD SONGS, how important is the live relationship with your audience for you? I imagine this brings with it a whirlwind of emotions, which are the ones that arise most during a live date on your tour?

AMBER LIU: To be able to put faces to names that I’ve seen in my comments or fan communities, it’s a true blessing. I’ve met so many fans who have said they’ve waited over a decade to see me perform and there’s nothing but gratitude in my heart. This tour was my first ever world tour, so I was performing in a lot of new places for the first time.

HBZVN: A day in the life of Amber Liu while she is on tour?

AMBER LIU: The crew and I usually have a 4 AM call time, get to the airport, and fly to the next city usually by around noon. I have an hour to two hours to get myself together and maybe take a short nap. I do soundcheck, eat, and do my meet and greet with the fans. And it’s a short break, so sometimes I’m going through emails or taking mental notes on how to perform that day. Then it’s showtime! After the show, I meet with my crew and we go through the things that happened during the show to find ways to improve or do things differently. Then it’s bedtime and we do it all over again! Haha.

Earrings, Vhernier. Shirt, Loewe. Pants, Ferragamo. Shoes, Burberry.

HBZVN: Your trilogy of EPs X (2020), Y? (2021) and Z! (2022) was a big success and last year you released No More Sad Songs. This song transmits even more of your desire to show your unique self and it’s an invitation to your audience to do the same. Be authentic to yourself… Sometimes people, even professionally, tend to hide behind masks of convenience which may be attractive to gain more audience and fame quickly, but in the long run, it becomes irreparable damage and the audience feels cheated and betrayed. How easy (or difficult) was it for you to remain authentic to yourself in a world that is sometimes too controlled by appearances?

AMBER LIU: I’m not gonna lie and say it’s easy, haha, there’s definitely a lot of temptations that might change a person’s mind for sure in this industry. For me, being another “other person” is exhausting, and there’s always gonna be critics. I feel I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not. Again, I’ve been bullied since I was a kid for the way I looked and was outcasted because I didn’t fit in. I’ve learned to deal with it. I just want to help those “weird kids” feel that they’re not alone.

These sentiments speak to the importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself. It’s a recognition that genuine connections and relationships are built on honesty and sincerity, rather than on trying to conform to others’ expectations or ideals. When you embrace who you truly are, flaws and all, you attract people who appreciate and accept you for your authentic self. Choosing to be true to yourself, even if it means facing criticism or rejection, can lead to a more fulfilling and genuine life. While it might be tempting to present a facade to gain approval or validation from others, the happiness and fulfillment derived from being authentically you far outweigh the temporary satisfaction of being loved for someone you’re not. Ultimately, embracing your true self allows you to live a life aligned with your values, passions, and beliefs, fostering deeper connections and a sense of fulfillment that comes from living authentically.

HBZVN: As said, you are on a world tour now, but are you cooking something for 2024 that you could share with us? Any upcoming projects that you can reveal some hints about?

AMBER LIU: Now that this world tour has ended, it’s time for another album! I was able to give a little bit of a preview during the tour and played some demos, but we’ll see where it goes. I technically haven’t officially started, but I already have a couple of tracks in the works.

Jewelry, Vhernier. Blazer and shirt, Burberry. Pants, Celine.

In a world that pressures conformity, embracing authenticity is rebellious and shows self-worth. Amber Liu lives unapologetically, reminding us: “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not.” Being true to ourselves leads to genuine connections and freedom. Let’s boldly shine as unique individuals.

Amber Liu’s journey inspires with her authenticity and resilience. From Los Angeles to global fame, Liu’s talent earned worldwide admiration. Embracing her heritage, Liu shows self-expression’s power. In a conformist world, Liu exemplifies courage and potential. Let’s follow her example and live our true selves for fulfillment.

Liu’s talent transcends borders. Her vocals and stage presence blend authenticity and innovation. As a versatile artist, she crosses genres and styles. Embracing her identity, Liu stands out in a world of sameness. Her music inspires us to celebrate our uniqueness and diversity, creating something extraordinary.

Jacket, Valentino. Earrings, Vhernier. Pants, Ferragamo. Shoes, Burberry. Necklace, Amina Johan.

Muse: Amber Liu @amberliu.
Photographer: Reinhardt Kenneth @reinhardtkenneth
Production: CM Agency @agency__cm with Ari Kilian of Miller PR @millerpr.
Article: Carolina Ogliaro @carolinaogliaro.
Creative Director: Ari Friedman @arimandias.
Hair & Makeup: Salvador Mejía @zalvadorbeauty.
Stylist: AJ Verma @ajbeverlyhills &
Natasha Sanghera @nataasshhhaaa
of Lotus Beverly Hills @lotusbeverlyhills.

Lighting Director: Calvin Hite @calvinhite.
Retouch: Valeria Mediana @medianaretouch.
Digitech : Suimay Lee @suimaylee.

Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam