Nguyễn Đỗ Nguyệt Ánh: Co-founder of TUNG Group on pioneering the tasting menu concept in Vietnam

Nguyễn Đỗ Nguyệt Ánh - The pioneer introduce tasting menus to Vietnam through two remarkable restaurants: T.U.N.G Dining and Å by TUNG

Nguyễn Đỗ Nguyệt Ánh is the founder and CEO of TUNG Group, an esteemed culinary group renowned for its commitment to excellence and innovation in fine dining. Tung Group operates two restaurants: T.U.N.G Dining in Hanoi and A by Tung in Ho Chi Minh City. With a robust educational background, she embarked on her journey by earning a Business degree in Finland before further honing her expertise with a Master’s in Finance from the prestigious University of Birmingham.

Upon returning to Vietnam, Nguyễn Đỗ Nguyệt Ánh immersed herself in the dynamic landscape of business, initially contributing her works to prestigious firms such as Ernest & Young and one of Vietnam’s top four banks in the investment banking sector. These formative experiences laid the groundwork for Ánh’s future entrepreneurial endeavors, providing her with invaluable insights into the intricacies of finance and corporate strategy.

During her tenure in Vietnam, she recalled a commitment made with a colleague during their time in Scandinavia, wherein they pledged to pioneer the introduction of the tasting menu to the Vietnamese culinary landscape. Acting upon their promise, their venture introduced the concept of tasting menus to Vietnam, ushering in a new era of sophistication and culinary excellence in the country.

Ánh’s leadership extends far beyond the boardroom; she is the beating heart and unsung hero of the entire TUNG Group. As the driving force behind its success, she embodies the essence of innovation, resilience, and unwavering commitment. Her astute business acumen, coupled with a deep-seated passion for gastronomy, has propelled TUNG Group to unparalleled heights of acclaim and recognition.

HARPER’S BAZAAR: What are the differences between your two restaurants, T.U.N.G Dining and A by TUNG?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: T.U.N.G Dining and A By TUNG are my two sources of pride. T.U.N.G Dining marks the genesis of everything, being the pioneer in offering the unique tasting menu experience to Vietnam. A by TUNG, on the other hand, represents an interpretation, adapted to the Saigon landscape.

T.U.N.G Dining is designed with a classic Northern European style, featuring warm tones and traditional elements reminiscent of the cold, crisp winters in Hanoi, serving as a constant reminder of the dreams nurtured during my studies in Scandinavia.

While at A by TUNG, our team endeavors to cultivate an atmosphere that is fresh, creative, and cosmopolitan, in line with Saigon’s dynamic ethos. The restaurant is fashioned in a modern Northern European aesthetic, employing advanced technologies and cool lighting to evoke the mystical aurora borealis of the North, with artistic arrangements that reflect the layers of meaning in a contemporary Northern European home and its garden in aurora light night. This cool ambiance is a fitting contrast to the city’s year-round warmth.

Regarding cuisine, both establishments adhere to a consistent philosophy of culinary innovation. Emphasizing seafood and minimizing red meat, they heed the call of Mother Nature. Nevertheless, Chef Hoàng Tùng’s creative adaptations vary regionally to cater to different clienteles and utilize distinct regional ingredients.

HARPER’S BAZAAR: What are some of the differences between operating the two restaurants, one in Hanoi and another in Ho Chi Minh City?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: I was born in Hanoi and have had the opportunity to do business and live in both Hanoi and Saigon. Hanoi is a city with a slower pace of life, steeped in a long history as Vietnam’s political center, whereas Saigon is a vibrant economic hub, famously known as a city that never sleeps. Therefore, the customer bases in these two cities are also vastly different.

Diners in Hanoi tend to be cautious and somewhat conservative, maintaining certain eating habits influenced often by the experiences of friends and family. In contrast, Saigonese diners are more open-minded in their decisions, preferring to explore and evaluate experiences on their own. This difference stems from Saigon’s historical openness to Western lifestyles and the significant expatriate community living and working there.

Every issue has two sides. Due to Saigon’s dynamism and the inherent curiosity for new experiences, diners there have a plethora of dining options. Therefore, maintaining customers in Saigon can be more challenging compared to Hanoi in my restaurants. Hanoian diners may be demanding, but if you can win them over, they become a loyal customer base.

HARPER’S BAZAAR: Can you list some of the notable achievement of T.U.N.G Dining and A by TUNG?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: TUNG Group consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have received the affection and acceptance of our diners for our restaurants. Despite the myriad challenges we faced in our early days, we persisted with faith in the path we were pioneering: the tasting menu experience, thereby ushering in a new era for fine dining in Vietnam.

After over two years since our inception, in 2021, T.U.N.G Dining was honored as one of the top 100 best restaurants in Asia by Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants. Both TUNG dining and A by TUNG have garnered recognition from reputable rankings nationally, regionally, and globally, including being listed in Robb Report’s top 25 restaurants in Vietnam, 50 Best Discovery, and La Liste’s outstanding restaurant list, among numerous other accolades.

Particularly noteworthy, in 2023, TUNG dining had the privilege of preparing the starter dish for the inaugural Michelin Guide awards ceremony in Vietnam. Both of our restaurants also earned a place in the Selected list. These achievements are fitting tributes to the tireless efforts of our restaurant team over many years, contributing their part to elevate Vietnamese cuisine to global dining tables.

However, the greatest achievement for me personally and for our entire team is the love our diners have shown for our restaurants—the smiles, the words of gratitude, those moments of happiness. These seemingly simple yet profound instances are our source of energy, pride, and fulfillment. Every award has its own criteria for evaluation, so we should not work solely for accolades. We believe that true passion, diligence, humility, and continuous self-improvement will inevitably lead to success. Awards are sweet acknowledgments of your efforts, but they do not define the value of your restaurant if each day it remains filled with cherished guests who appreciate the unforgettable experiences you strive to provide.

During peak seasons at TUNG dining, reservations are consistently fully booked for 40 to 60 days in advance, while even during low seasons, guests typically need to book 1 to 2 weeks ahead. Visitors from across the globe flock to TUNG restaurants, departing with joy and sharing their positive experiences, often returning to relish our offerings again. This feedback and loyalty represent the pinnacle of achievement in my career thus far.

HARPER’S BAZAAR: What make you attracted to fine dining?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: My passion for fine dining runs deep, particularly the allure of a meticulously curated tasting menu. It’s a journey of courage and exploration, stepping beyond familiar tastes to embrace the thrill of new experiences.

A 20-course menu is akin to a symphony, each dish a note in an orchestration that challenges both palate and spirit. It transcends mere satisfaction, offering an opportunity to discover uncharted flavors that may resonate profoundly or provoke thought. Ultimately, it’s about expanding culinary horizons and embarking on a voyage of discovery.

What captivates me most about fine dining is the diversity of styles and culinary philosophies that chefs bring to their creations. In a world rich with creativity, I am fascinated by how these masters transform ingredients into culinary masterpieces. Some elevate the most luxurious ingredients with delicate finesse, while others innovate with humble elements to create bold and distinctive flavors. The realm of molecular gastronomy exemplifies this creativity, pushing the boundaries of taste and texture. Regardless of technique, the result is consistently exceptional—an amalgamation of talent and innovation that defines this competitive arena.

However, beyond technique lies a deeper truth: fine dining transcends mere sustenance to craft emotional experiences. It is an art form where every dish is meticulously designed to evoke lasting memories. Together with my team, we devote ourselves to ensuring each guest departs not merely satisfied, but profoundly moved by an evening of culinary enchantment. It’s about orchestrating moments that linger—where flavors, emotions, and narratives converge to create an unforgettable symphony, inviting guests to return, time and again, to relive the magic anew.

HARPER’S BAZAAR: Not only are you a pioneering CEO, you are also a fashion forward CEO. What is your favourite fashion style?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: My favourite style in fashion is simple and elegant. I believe that less is often more, and I find beauty in clean lines, timeless pieces, and understated sophistication.

One of my fashion icons who embodies this ethos is Audrey Hepburn. Her iconic style epitomized elegance and grace with a minimalist approach. She effortlessly combined classic silhouettes, like the little black dress, with subtle accessories to create looks that remain relevant and inspiring today.

For me, fashion is not just about trends but about expressing oneself with poise and confidence. I admire how Audrey Hepburn’s style was both refined and accessible, emphasizing quality over quantity and showcasing the power of simplicity in making a lasting impression.

HARPER’S BAZAAR:  Where do you like to travel?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: Despite my busy schedule, my passion for travel and exploration burns brightly within me. I have had the opportunity to visit numerous regions and continents across the globe, yet there are places I always yearn to return to. Switzerland captivates me with its serene beauty, while Denmark and Norway beckon me with their Nordic allure—a lifestyle that is simple yet of the highest quality, and which holds a special place in my youth as I studied there for 4 years.

In Vietnam, Quy Nhon stands out as a favored destination for me. Its stunning coastline, warm-hearted and genuine people, and the chance to indulge in exceptionally fresh seafood amidst a rich and delectable local cuisine, make it a place of fond affection for me to pause and savor.

HARPER’S BAZAAR: What’s next for you and TUNG Group?

NGUYỄN ĐỖ NGUYỆT ÁNH: My voyage through the world of fine dining has been a rich tapestry of six years, woven with diligence, pride, and milestones. As I reflect on my journey, I envision a new path ahead—one where I aim to venture into larger-scale concepts, reaching and delighting a broader audience with our cuisine. My goal is to simplify and make our food more accessible, while preserving the excellence in flavors that define our craft. In our new concepts, we aim to narrate the cultural tales of our exquisite Vietnam through cuisine. We aspire to reimagine our classic culinary traditions into modern interpretations that appeal to diverse customer segments and transcend Vietnam’s borders.

Looking forward, I am eager to embark on this next phase — a journey into mass dining. I aspire to sit down with you again in the coming years, discussing the triumphs and lessons learned from this ambitious endeavor. To prepare for this leap, I am committed to expanding my knowledge and honing my skills, enriching my experiences through travel, and seeking out potential collaborators for our future ventures.

This next phase is not just about expanding our reach but also about evolving our craft to resonate with a diverse audience. It’s a journey of innovation and inclusivity, driven by a passion to create memorable dining experiences that leave a lasting impression on all who partake.

Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam