Celesta Hodge – crypto trading model and art collector

Celesta Hodge, known for her self-taught talent in making the right trades, is sitting down with HBZVN for a glimpse into her world.

Harper’s Bazaar (HBZVN): Your stunning figure and height clearly indicate your modeling career. Can you please share with us how you got into the seemingly unrelated worlds of cryptocurrency and art collecting?

CELESTA HODGE: Since I can remember, I’ve always had a deep fascination with both the art world and the stock market. As a young child, my parents would take me to museums and studio visits. I would spend hours poring over art books, mesmerized by the beauty and creativity captured on the pages. Simultaneously, I developed a keen interest in the stock market and the potential for financial growth it offered. I was determined to explore both passions, and art was the perfect way to integrate them. My friends say, and they’re not wrong, that I only work to buy art. I pestered my parents to open an account for me so I could start trading before I was even 18. My obsession with art is what made me brazen in the crypto market. I was so sick of not being able to afford the art that I so desperately wanted, I made the rash decision to risk all of my modeling money in the crypto market. The old adage, “it’s better to be lucky than smart,” definitely rang true for me. It wasn’t until later that I learned, and continued to learn, about the ever-changing new frontier of the digital currency market.

HBZVN: Which artists do you plan on adding to your collection next?

CELESTA HODGE: I have to say, Paul McCarthy is at the top of my list. As soon as my crypto matures, I’m getting a White Snow sculpture. His well-developed sense of humor brings so much joy into his work. I’ve been lucky enough to acquire a few of his pieces for fellow collectors, but the next one has my name on it! I would also love another James Turrell. Artists that incorporate light into their work can bring a lot of magic into your home.

HBZVN: Being in the fashion world from a young age, what is your favorite part of modeling?

CELESTA HODGE: My absolute favorite part of modeling is doing creative shoots like this one. Fadil Berisha has such a talent for capturing your best self and making you feel beautiful in your own skin. I’m sure any model would agree
that the camera not only adds 10 pounds but also highlights all your flaws as well as your positive attributes. It’s little wonder most models, including myself, struggle with insecurities. However, I find joy in expressing my creativity through modeling.

HBZVN: Is there someone special in your life?

CELESTA HODGE: Yes, that special someone is me! I am truly grateful for my incredible friends and family. I don’t know where I would be without them. I’ve come to embrace the opportunity to enjoy spending time with myself. After all, the most important relationship we have is with ourselves, and that lasts for an eternity.

HBZVN: What advice do you have for our readers?

CELESTA HODGE: My advice would be to prioritize your well-being. Eat well, exercise, meditate, always keep learning, stay curious about the world around you, and embrace the unknown because that’s where the magic happens.

Model: Celesta Hodge @thecelesta.
Photographer: Fadi Berisha @fadilberishaphotography.
PR: Say Media @say__media.

Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam