Elegance in Simplicity: Celebrating Natural Beauty with Shivani Muthoo

Poised and calm expression, coupled with the minimalist makeup, exudes sophisticated grace.

Celebrating Natural Beauty with Shivani Muthoo

Shivani Muthoo’s natural beauty is the focal point of these images. Her clear skin, defined eyebrows, and striking eyes are beautifully highlighted. The decision to let her freckles remain visible adds a touch of authenticity and relatability, celebrating her unique features. The lighting is soft and diffused, highlighting the model’s facial features without creating harsh shadows. This choice enhances the natural look of the makeup and the model’s skin texture.

Overall, the collaboration between Shivani Muthoo and photographer Iulia David has resulted in a series of stunning portraits that celebrate natural beauty, elegant makeup, and professional photography. The images are both striking and understated, highlighting the model’s features with a classic and timeless appeal.

Celebrating Natural Beauty with Shivani Muthoo

Celebrating Natural Beauty with Shivani Muthoo

Photo: Iulia David @iulia_david_photography.
Makeup: Iryna Tretiak @tretiakiryna.
Model: Shivani Muthoo @shivanimuthoo.
PR: Say Media @say__media.

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